characteristics of a good teacher

A good teacher notices when even one student among many does not understand, and makes an effort to communicate individually when necessary. They use these skills to communicate with two very important, yet very different sets of people— the students and the parents. His mission is to help thousands of unversity students understand their topics in an easy-to-read way. At times, a teacher might feel like yelling or shouting at students, but a good teacher is one who knows how to keep the temper in check and act calmly in such situations. and teacher perceptions of the characteristics of a good EFL instructor in the Omani school context are not a major issue of concern and that the general overlap between partici - I make mistakes. We’re teachers of the next shop assistants, lawyers, bakers and doctors. We teachers tend to care about justice. In a recent professional development day, we were asked to begin by brainstorming the qualities of a good teacher. It’s something that comes from working with the disadvantaged and disempowered. We understand that our jobs are tough – really tough. It’s probably the number 1 skill new teachers realize they need if they’re going to succeed beyond the first term. Among important qualities of a good teacher, this might one of the most. Being a teacher is often considered to be one of the most satisfying professions around. They don’t care that you’re mourning the death of a family member or you have had a medical scare over the weekend. The teaching profession is a sharing profession. The answers are nebulous at best. You’ve got to be able to smile and laugh your way through. Endlessly. What happens if …? Kids fail because they have dyslexia, or struggle with academics. Of course nobody want to be a wallowing, blubbering mess in class, but what better way to teach empathy than to give the students someone to empathize with when we’re having a bad day? It ensures we don’t go off script and realize ten weeks into the term that … wait, I’m not even half way through the curriculum! Life’s tough. These teachers will expend immense amounts of energy hiding the fact they’re frustrated at something, that they’re upset or perhaps even angry. This is the one I suggested to the group first up. If we promise something, they’re going to remember if you followed through. They need to be able to think on their feet and make changes to their lesson plans based on the needs of their students. ‘Pedagogy’ is just that: the ability to teach. I teach teachers and I am still aware that I’ve got a mountain of stuff to learn. Why?eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'helpfulprofessor_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_21',649,'0','0'])); When you’re marking your 23rd Essay on the exact same topic today. After all, as the old adage goes, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. This person is approachable, not only to students, but to everyone on campus. The same thing goes for commitments to colleagues. You need to be an expressive speaker, you need to be engaging, understand how to use pitch and pause for effect. One of the most important attribute of a good teacher is to be a good communicator. And this one, I think, builds on the previous. You need to put yourself through all-nighters to get those reports written and essays marked. I made many, many, many more in my first 2-3 years. You can’t talk down to them or give them the cold shoulder for a week as a punishment for their behavior. Fortunately, when I taught in Kindergarten, it was a very funny place. You’re switched on, planning lessons, and digging deep and working hard even when you’re tired in order to get the work done. Do you want to know what are the characteristics of a good teacher? Now let’s move beyond the platitude to what this really means. As the capstone to this, it is good to emulate Jesus Himself, the Greatest Teacher, … There’s no shortage of bodies (some dramatically misguided) attempting to solve this riddle. If a teacher promises a student they’re going to follow up on something, they’d better follow up! eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_17',884,'0','0']));report this adChris Drew (aka the Helpful Professor) is a university educator and former school teacher. Because of the fact that, we rarely had to do with these kinds of teachers, made us think like that. There are plenty of characteristics that a teacher must possess to be a good language teacher; along with proficiency in a language, extraordinary reading, speaking and listening skills the teacher must, of course, demonstrate good use of vocabulary and command over the words. It’s clear to students when teachers exude this feeling. It’s your job to set the scene. We want to see all children succeed, no matter whose class they’re in. Kids fail because their parents aren’t feeding them a nutritious diet. 8 Characteristics Of A Great Teacher. As a university teacher, I see it in my adult students, too. that make for a successful teacher. A lot. Patience is an important characteristic for effective teachers in both practice and as a model. And I don’t know squat. But right at the core, when you strip away all the other layers, lies one important goal:eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])); To ensure students learn.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'helpfulprofessor_com-banner-1','ezslot_1',644,'0','0'])); A clear-eyed focus on learning helps us develop quality lessons every time. Confidence while teaching can mean any number of things, it can range from having confidence in your knowledge of the material being learned to having confidence that your teaching acumen is second to none. Yes, all teachers are heroes. Other teachers get tied into logical knots to avoid admitting “I have no idea what the answer to your question is.” But teachers who genuinely connect with students are the ones who aren’t afraid to show emotions in class, who can admit that they aren’t in fact the repository of all knowledge. 8 Characteristics Of A Great Teacher. Eight years ago, my English teacher asked the class to list the characteristics of a ‘good teacher’. And that there’s a lot of hard work and preparation that goes into writing lessons. Well, before long, we teachers realize that fun is important. It is possible for a teacher to change from interactions with the students. 169 times. Related Post: Quality of Students 20 Qualities of a Good And again. COMPETENCE AND PATIENCE The requirement of any teacher is to know his or her subject well. A good teacher has to figure out the personalities as well as interest of each student and incorporate the components which connect with each student. Whether it’s worrying about who’s late to class, collecting every little piece of work in order to ‘gather marks’ or spending too much time lecturing to the class in order to ‘cover the material,’ or teaching what’s most important, there’s no shortage of ways to distract teachers from what’s important. Quality research skills are central to being a good educator. If you’ve got stringent ideas about how your lessons are going to play out, you’ll have a lot to learn! However, you should try to move the lesson in the direction of accomplishing the outlined goals. We rely on each other an awful lot in this profession. Your students may also cause a lot of stress and strain on you. Earlier, I mentioned that I have a new blog that I go to for classroom management advice. Great teachers can laugh. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"ca6a26849b7478e1abc158ea5a6a3d81bc0ad132-1608767912-1800"}; In return, you’ll get more than just a paycheck – you’ll get a community. It comes form realizing that there’s more to school than meritocracy. It’s never going to end. A good communicator makes a great preschool teacher. With four kids and a full-time teaching job, she’d come home, cook us dinner, then head straight to her office to plan lessons for the next day. Maintain my enthusiasm for the subject by being a learner as well as a teacher? 8. 5. Education is a very hands-on field and often requires experimentation within the classroom to discover which methods of … An authority in the space of classroom management is Michael Linsen of Smart Classroom Management – I’d recommend him to any new teacher seeking tips on how to develop the qualities of a good manger of students. A good teacher exudes a contagious passion for education. This quality is a part of the previous two. And we see it in our jobs every single day. A good teacher is a flexible teacher. You’ll be committed to its success. If you haven’t go patience, you aren’t going to make it as a teacher. I learned this fast as a university teacher. I’ve got a parent-teacher interview coming up and little Johnny has shown no progress! But if you’re not confident that you’re in the right place when you’re teaching, you’re probably not. Our students really do hang onto our every word. It is also essential for the teacher … Good teachers know how to work hard to get the job done. They also understand that efficient and effective assessment means eliminating busy work while giving targeted, meaningful feedback and that engaging the students, connecting the material to their interests and passions, is the surest way to maximize learning. Your lessons will come undone due to circumstances well beyond your control. A good teacher, at its base, has two main characteristics: A Solid, working knowledge of the content and a high intrapersonal intelligence. [CDATA[ A good teacher unreservedly extends love and acceptance to … Twitter: @helpfulprof. 5 Characteristics of a Good Teacher August 14, 2018 When I started writing this article, I knew what I thought makes a good teacher, but I couldn’t help but wonder if other people agreed with me. And, demonstrating patience as a teacher is a great way to be a role model to students. You need to respond to aggressive behavior with calmness. A good teacher exhibits countless praiseworthy attributes, but three are absolutely supreme. Being organized plays an essential role in being a good teacher, and is a very important quality of a good teacher. Cue point 2 …eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',645,'0','0'])); >>>RELATED ARTICLE: 9 CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD MANAGEReval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',667,'0','0'])); The second key quality of a quality teacher is their ability to manage groups of children.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_16',110,'0','0'])); I know these are unconventional ones to start with (yes, I’ll get to the clichés like ‘Patience’ in a moment).. To use a Tennis term, I don’t tend to make unforced errors anymore. Characteristics of Good Teachers A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time (2014, 09). This helps inspire interest in students, who pick up this enthusiasm. To be a Great Teacher, then, one can work to develop the ten traits listed above. Strong teachers do their job without worrying too much about “what the principal will think”. What happens if the whole class doesn’t understand? Fast. 1. A good teacher knows that it is important to be flexible with the teaching methodologies. The best teachers don’t do what they’re told. Confidence while teaching can mean any number of things, it can range from having confidence in your knowledge of the material being learned to having confidence that your teaching acumen is second to none. The only time the sentiment above is acceptable is if it’s followed immediately by “…but I’m very willing to learn!” After all, we wouldn’t accept such weak rationalizations from students regarding their work. Why? Teachers aren’t shy about sharing their opinions on these matters, I’ve found. Having some life experience outside the classroom and outside the realm of education is invaluable for putting learning into context and keeping school activities in perspective. Well, at the end of the activity I slyly tucked away the flip chart paper on which we scribbled all our notes, knowing it’d be a great idea for my blog post topic of the week. And … perhaps worse … my students don’t respect me! I think the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is that I genuinely want to help my students out.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-2','ezslot_3',115,'0','0'])); When a student needs help after the bell has rung at the end of the day, a good teacher is not the sort of person to tell them “Sorry, school’s out.”. So, Teachers Need Patience: it’s a cliché for a reason. So, put on that happy, entertaining and enthusiastic face for the sake of the little learners in your care. From understanding the critical importance of collaboration and teamwork, to being able to answer that ageless senior math question “when are we going to use this?”, educators who have spent significant time and energy on alternate pursuits come to the profession with a deep understanding of where school fits into the bigger picture of life. My mother was a teacher and she taught me this. We’re not just teachers of individuals. Check them out and see what you think. Highly rated lecturers showed enthusiasm for their subject, professional area and teaching role. The second half of the pedagogical content knowledge equation is, clearly, content. And I think anyone who feels that way is going to really hate their job. As a university teacher, this is no more evident than when it’s my marking period. Then, I turn around and do it again. It’s the first one most teachers would come up with when you ask them: what’s the top quality of a good teacher? They can laugh with (not at) their students. As a university professor, I have the added job of students sometimes applying the heat on me about their course. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_2',160,'0','0']));Here’s a more upbeat one. But I think these first two points are really at the heart of what teachers learn their job is all about in the first few years. My contract gives me 25 minutes to mark and give feedback on a 2000-word essay. How far through the curriculum are you? You … will … hate … it. Teaching is a community-oriented profession. When a student has made a mistake or been rude to you, you can’t call them a jerk. In the classroom, you need to put all your effort into creating a positive learning environment. So, below, for all you teachers (and I’m sure university students!) Engage pupils’ interest, intellect, creativity? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This point goes hand in hand with showing vulnerability, the teacher who’s willing to go out on a limb, to try something new, to be ‘wacky’ in the name of pedagogy earns the respect of students, even if the snickers seem to say something different. You need to know your content inside out so that your students learn the correct information. It’s your job. And of course, you’ll need to respect and take on board the concerns and input of everyone – all while being an absolute professional. But, I still make mistakes. That’s what administrators and counselors are for. Here are some of the qualities and characteristics that make a good language teacher. AS A SUBJECT TEACHER DO I: Have detailed up-to date knowledge of the subjects I teach? Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. Descriptors such as caring, fun, interesting, creative and motivational made the descriptions colorful. When a student doesn’t understand the way you’re teaching something Working with students – and especially children – will throw up new problems. What’s your plan? They want to focus on being a fun teacher or being the light of a child’s life. A teacher must be able to communicate to students well because they are required to pass knowledge to … How can they give me quality information about the content I’m teaching? No matter the success or failure of the risk taken, the experience will certainly be memorable for the kids in that class, and isn’t that what we’re aiming for? Your behavior and mannerisms are picked up by your students. You’ve got to keep on going when it’s the last thing you want to do. When a teacher has a love for his or her subject, it shines through. Children will wet their pants, call you “Mommy” and make wildly inappropriate comments (which are, usually, hilarious in their own way).eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-leader-4','ezslot_6',121,'0','0'])); And all the way through all of this, you can’t fall apart. From English teachers to science teachers, we’ve rounded up the top 5 characteristics of a good teacher. That’s what makes teachers – in general – deeply focused on social justice. You’ve got to be a person who really gives a lot of themselves to their job. So we’ve got to set and keep our commitments when we make them. Unfortunately some students will rely simply on external motivators, but worse, we’ve all run into students who really can’t find a relationship between what makes them tick and what’s happening in the classroom around them. Ten Qualities of a Good EFL Teacher The best EFL teachers are not born but are made. When you’re struggling – hard – to get a student to understand a concept (that seems so insanely easy to you). Of course, this knowledge is more than simply the terms, facts, and concepts. Especially from parents. Use of this website is governed by the Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policies you can access via links in the footer. Instead, you’ve got to know who and what sources to trust. They Don’t Worry Too Much About What Administrators Think. Teachers who can’t help students make this connection need to rethink what’s going on. However, in most cases, it is vital to In fact, the best teachers live by the code “It’s easier to get forgiveness than permission.”, August 28, 2019 - Updated on February 19, 2020. Characteristics of a Top Teacher by Becton Loveless There are many characteristics, techniques, etc. I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl so I usually read all the articles about how to become a good teacher. At university, all teachers are taught a concept called pedagogical content knowledge. All the time. With large classrooms and many students who are all different, patience is a must for a good teacher. A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. … and it all comes crashing down. Studies have shown that educational quality increases when the teacher meets the following criteria: Competence in the subject area:It is essential that the teacher has a good command of the subject he is going to teach. //]]> A good teacher needs particular characteristics such as being a good listener, being well organized/knowing of subject, and being enthusiastic. Students found this motivating and commented that they looked forward to coming to classes. And they can laugh at themselves and at their situations. This is the teacher to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story. If you’re too stubborn to realize you’ve got a lot to learn, you’re going to be a terrible teacher. Pedagogy is everything from the art of breaking concepts down into bite-sized chunks to knowing when students’ brains are saturated and it’s time to take a break. It’s an intuition (or ‘tacit knowledge’) just as much as it’s an explicit understanding of what needs to be done. You will need to help explain and reassure your parents and students about how things are going. At the heart of this point is the reality that teaching is more than a job, it’s a vocation (sorry of the clichés here … it’s hard to write this post without them!). When a student doesn’t understand the way you’re teaching something, you’ll need to change it on the spot. After all, what IS the point of work in which a student finds no interest and for which he can make no connection? With 25 – 30 students in any classroom, you need to be able to walk in there and know what you’re doing every time. Having the ideas organized and understanding how they interrelate is also necessary. One without the other will result in a horrible teacher. These may be as varied as the teachers themselves. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-box-4','ezslot_11',643,'0','0']));I find that some people first entering the classroom (Including myself once!) eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',159,'0','0']));It’s a “the more you know the more you realize you don’t know anything” situation. A good teacher chooses carefully when they develop lesson plans and they adjust it … They’ll point you in the right direction, share their resources and ensure you’re on the right track. In 2013, as a profession, we lose credibility every time we allow excuses like this to go unchallenged. Worrying about what the boss may think can be draining and restrictive in any job, teaching is no exception. 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