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In animals it causes temporary blindness by making the eyes immediately slam shut and shuts down the bear’s (or dog’s) sense of smell to trigger difficult breathing, which may give you time needed to make your escape. Rather, you’ll see a can of pepper spray. My circumstances were such that work rules prohibited me from carrying a firearm at work, even though I had a permit and was an auxilary deputy, because I was not activated in a law endorcement capacity. Get the facts on heat, strength and the law. This makes it a choice for personal self-defense for many people across the country. After putting some thought into why this might not be a good idea, I became more convinced using wasp spray as a cheap alternative to pepper spray is a bad idea. To read the Material Data Safety Sheet see: There is no real proof that it works, all the information is just somebody’s story. Since 2008, SABRE’s pink product line has funded the equivalent of 14,000 mammograms. Don't be fooled by our competitors' misleading numbers! Having a spray which provides stand off distance away from the skunk so that YOU don’t get sprayed, is helpful! Wasp Spray for Self-Defense; A Dangerous Myth This Self-Defense Myth, spread by word of mouth, email or YouTube videos, claims Wasp or Hornet Spray is more effective and cheaper than O.C Spray commonly called “Pepper Spray” these claims include being more effective against violence committed by … It is also available for purchase on the market. Your email address will not be published.  The wasp spray failed to immediately affect him. Another thumbs up for “bear spray”. You should be able to buy it at a home improvement store. Places. Designed specifically for use on humans, pepper spray causes: involuntary eye closure; swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat and nasal and sinus discharge. The active ingredients in most wasp sprays contain pyrethrins or pyrethroids. I believe so, I looked it up and in some states it is considered as a weapon unless you use it for a bear.  Bear spray has more range and a wide dispersal area. nick on September 6, 2011 at 10:10 pm. This is derived from the chrysanthemum plant and affects the nervous system. Wasp spray is an insecticide, and U.S. Federal Laws prohibit the use of any pesticide or insecticide “in a manner that is inconsistent with its labeling”. EPA registration number is 72265-1-61311., What type of store can you per chase this at since it can’t be shipped. By knowingly carrying wasp spray as a self-defense tool, you not only are placing yourself in danger (which we’ll get to later) but you’re also opening yourself up to some legal re… Wasp Spray VS Pepper Spray. "Independent testing concludes that wasp spray is 'minimally' irritating to human eyes, so how could it be expected to incapacitate a goal-oriented attacker?" The last thing I want to do is wrestle, breathe or expose my eyes or a loved one to wasp spray…. The robber is nevertheless in significant legal trouble due to the fine print on the canister stating that the spray is "extremely flammable" and "hazardous to humans and domestic animals." Wasp spray isn't capable of incapacitating human beings. brake cleaner is the bomb for protection and cheap, In my opinion not a good idea. Using wasp and other bug sprays as a tool to ward off attacks earns an even bigger NO, Don’t Do It! This is a forwarded self defense tip that says if you do not have pepper spray to use a can of wasp spray to stop an assailant. According to Nicole Robbins, SABRE Quality Assurance and Safety Manager: “The amount of active ingredients in the spray (according to the label) are 0.04% to 0.06%; the compound is typically ‘pyrethrin or pyrethroids, which come from a species of chrysanthemum plant.” Also, they are poisonous, and it is a federal crime to shoot someone with them.  It’s affect on a humans would not be rapid. The Koala Bear is not a bear so we don’t have bear spray in Australia. SABRE produces the #1 pepper spray that's trusted by law enforcement and consumers around the world. On the other hand, pepper spray has been field tested since early 1980 and has a proven track record as an effective, temporarily debilitating agent. We talked to our Nicole Robbins, SABRE Quality Assurance & Safety Manager, for an explanation. Every once in a while I hear the rumor that wasp spray is great for self defense as a pepper spray alternative. I can’t remember a single one of those where I didn’t inhale some get some in my eyes. Wasp Spray as a Tool for Self-Defense. Wasp spray is not designed to inhibit breathing or eyesight. Last Edited By. Wasp spray: Has no … Personal Safety Expert, David Nance, addresses the myth regarding wasp spray and self-defense. Date Last Edited. Wasp spray is poisonous, and it is a largely untested hazard against humans (because it hasn’t been designed for use against them); not only does this make it illegal to use for the sake self-defense against humans in many states, it also makes it dangerous for the wielder, in case they misfire and hit themselves instead of the assailant. As to number 4, would using bear spray for self defense against people still be using it in a manner inconsistent with its labeling, and therefore still a criminal act? Federal law prohibits the use of any pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Here is the link to a video made by David Nance an expert on self-defense on the use of wasp spray vs. bear spray. Watch the video for a demonstration, and see how wasp spray is not capable of stopping a goal-oriented human: Accidentally sprayed wasp spray indoors would be a hassle, but it should not cause any immediate problems for humans. Wasp spray for self-defense - it's the latest rumor in personal safety. Effective Self-Defense Against Humans Instead of wasp and hornet spray for self-defense, trust tested and trustworthy products. So bear spray was the best option, and I thank our animal control officers for having tbe foresight to order plenty of it. Using wasp spray to attempt to stop attacking bears is nothing short of crazy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This makes it a felony to use it on someone and then it probably won’t work. Available in various formulas and models, including extremely compact units, our pepper spray is specially formulated in our liquid chromatography lab to guarantee maximum stopping power. Territories or International. Wasp spray contains chemicals that are designed to kill wasps and hornets. 18 $15.95 $15.95 Civilian Safety Awareness Program Curriculum, Instructors - Civilian Safety Awareness Program. The big reason that many people give for using wasp spray is that it has a longer-range then pepper spray. Planning To Use Wasp Or Hornet Spray For Self Defense Is A Bad Idea: Oklahoma Personal Defense’s The Myth of Wasp Spray; Most wasp sprays are a poor attack stopper. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Both the manufacturers of wasp spray and the United States Border Protection Agency (the largest purchaser of pepper spray in the country) are against the use of wasp spray as a weapon. And what about wasp spray for self-defense? The idea that wasp spray works as a self defense tool is one of those things that just won’t go away. Instead of wasp and hornet spray for self-defense, trust tested and trustworthy products. Here is the link to a video made by David Nance an expert on self-defense on the use of wasp spray vs. bear spray. Research using wasp spray instead of pepper spray and you will find that if you use wasp spray, which is not legal for self defense, you will most likely permanently blind that person and be liable for a huge damage result as well as criminal charges against you. The fact is, though, that you won’t see a can of wasp spray on a policeman’s belt next to their duty pistol and backup mags. Personally, I am not going to trust my life to an unproven idea, that I have read on the internet.  I can find no verifiable instances in which it has worked, nor can I find any police department or other reputable authority that says it works. Pepper spray would be a non-lethal weapon to consider instead of wasp spray. Lots and lots. No verifiable evidence. Concerning, the effectiveness of insecticide sprays for self-defense, It looks like this may be another “urban legend”. It also causes coughing, shortness of breath and drying of the eyes as well as painful burning of the skin, hyperventilation and psychological effects such as fear, anxiety and panic.  You will notice that the pepper spray put him down. The internet is buzzing about a recent NBC news segment where a security “expert” recommended the use of wasp/yellowjacket/hornet spray as a good replacement for pepper spray (aka oleoresin capsicum or ‘OC’ for short), or even a firearm. Wasp spray shoots a stream up to twenty feet and can temporality blind an attacker. Available in various formulas and models, including extremely compact units, our pepper spray is specially formulated in our liquid chromatography lab to guarantee maximum stopping power. Watch the video to find out how wasp spray is not nearly irritating enough to stop a goal-oriented attacker. Update History.  Bear spray has more range and a wide dispersal area. Be safe: pepper spray and other accepted methods of self-defense are far more reliable. Mace Brand Self-Defense Triple Action 3-in-1 Formula, 10' Pocket Pepper Spray with Tear Gas and UV Marking Dye 4.7 out of 5 stars 3,445 $15.18 $ 15 . SABRE produces the #1 pepper spray that's trusted by law enforcement and consumers around the world. Before the company even delves into describing how to use the product, they want to ensure you know that it is illegal to use it for anything other than the killing of insects. Cheapest Wasp Spray Self Defense Texas And 158 Grain Jsp Self Defense You can order Wasp Spray Self Defense Texas And 158 Grain Jsp Self Defense after check, compare the prices and check day for shipping. Wasp spray for self-defence? Incidents that happen in close quarters with pepper spray often ends up physical and wrestling around in it is pretty normal. The theory is the long stream allows it to reach far and in a precise manner. He is being charged with first-degree robbery as opposed to a misdemeanor. A recent attempted robbery was unsuccessful because of the robber's choice of weapon. Self-Defense Facts So, why doesn't wasp spray work against humans? Wasp spray is also not recommended for self-defense because it is illegal to use it in such a manner, leaving a person open to lawsuits not only from the attacker, but also from the law enforcement involved if they too were exposed to the spray and required medical care as a result. Previous Page. The product I carry is called Bear Pepper Mace® and has a range up to 35 ft. Its active ingredient of 2% capsaicin, which is a much lower concentration than in law enforcement products such as Mace Sticky Foam which are intended as a personal defense spray against people. We also carry lipstick pepper spray, pen pepper spray and other innovative models that are compact, discreet and maximum-strength for self-defense. The man attempted to steal food from a Safeway armed with a canister of Raid Wasp & Hornet Spray. The only problem? David, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It may do those things but it is not nearly as effective as pepper spray. Pepper Spray (2012), personal safety expert David Nance concluded that wasp sprayis impractical both to carry and to use as a self-defense tool.Nov 1, 2019” There are amateur videos of people spraying themselves with it. Neither have I seen Wasp Spray in the supermarket. “It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.” That little nugget is the very first sentence written under directions of use. See the website Urban Legends. Contents. Pepper spray is illegal to use in Australia. "On the other hand, human pepper sprays target a human's eyes and respiratory system. Make sure to check your state to be safe. Wasp spray is not for self defense and yet every 2 or 3 days I’ll see a post pop up on social media advising someone to use it in lieu of OC or pepper spray. A Seattle family would argue that the advice to use wasp spray is wrong. If the intent is to ward off an intruder and you inadvertantly cripple this person for life because you chose to use wasp spray instead of pepper spray, who would be the more negligible party? Your email address will not be published. In this video, a man gets sprayed with both wasp spray and SABRE 5.0 pepper spray before completing a set of tasks: find a $100 bill, hit a target with practice pepper spray and play dodgeball. I’m going to say it up front, this is false and this rumor needs to stop. Many states prohibit the use of substances for self-protection that are not specifically authorized for that purpose. Cannot be shipped by air. Of course, you should make sure to provide proper ventilation to get rid of the wasp spray as soon as possible. While the item might be priced similarly at different shops. You could face federal criminal charges. They all urged me not to use wasp spray for for self defense! Ken Boonstra broke into a home and the husband tried using wasp spray, Wasp spray, on the other hand, is unreliable and risky to use for self defense. Stop Attackers With Pepper Spray. Required fields are marked *. I have sprayed a lot of people with pepper spray. Don’t trust your life to it. So I guess my only option is Fly spray? Kill Bugs With Wasp Spray. Bear spray is a pepper based, self-defense tool formulated specifically to repel bear attacks. Choose from compact pepper spray with clip, tactical pepper gel with belt holster and pepper spray key rings or pepper spray with adjustable hand straps. If this is a concern they get bear spray, which is pepper spray with more range. Copyright © 2005-2021 SABRE - Security Equipment Corp. Think of the biology and size differences between wasps and humans!" The Truth: The source quoted in the eRumor for this suggestion of the use of wasp spray for defense is a man named Val Glinka. Another tool we’ve heard advocated is wasp spray. You can read more about using wasp spray for defense here. May 27, 2010 - 08:25 AM. In December of 2013,Â. Store employees attempting to thwart the robbery were minimally affected by the spray. Of course there are other non-lethal choices such as the Taser but if we are just looking … Wasp Spray For Self Defense The first time I read through an email advocating wasp spray for self defense, my gut instinct was that this is not a good idea. Pepper sprays and other such chemical deterrents are designed to irritate the eyes and respiratory systems of humans. When it comes to wasp spray vs pepper spray for self-defense, the choice is clear. They allege you can buy it in places that outlaw OC or pepper spray. Some people are are interested Wasp Spray Self Defense Texas And 158 Grain Jsp Self Defense on the cheap price. More importantly, since wasp spray is a poison and never intended as a self-defense item, there have been no meaningful studies conducted to suggest that it would stop an attacker. This is a video showing a young man having both wasp spray and pepper spray, sprayed in his face. Internet users don’t seem to get enough of self-defense … It is an actual self-defense tool, and is known to temporarily cause the eyes to swell shut. If you think wasp and hornet spray for self-defense is a workable alternative to other methods, think again. I carried bear spray issued by my agency on the job for 20 years and had occasion to use it numerous times on pit bulls, rabid raccoons, skunks, drunks, and junkies and armed robbers. This active ingredient is meant to disrupt a wasp's nervous system. Here's what she said: "The amount of active ingredients in the spray (according to the label) are 0.04% to 0.06%; the compound is typically 'pyrethrin or pyrethroids, which come from a species of chrysanthemum plant,' explains It’s happened again — a supposed “expert” says yellowjacket killer is an effective self defense weapon. True, or unabashed nonsense? While deployed under EMAC (Emergency Management Assistance Compact) FEMA policy prohibited our being armed if performing a Public Works and Enginnering, rather than a law enforcement function. This item cannot be sold in or shipped to Alaska, California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, U.S. A lot of other occasions I received some friendly fore too. Actual self-defense tool, and is known to temporarily cause the eyes and respiratory systems of humans strength the... A tool to ward off attacks earns an even bigger no, don ’ t inhale some some., and is known to temporarily cause the eyes and respiratory systems humans! Nance an expert on self-defense on the use of wasp and hornet for. Available for purchase on the use of any pesticide in a precise manner insecticide for! Formulated specifically to repel bear attacks other occasions I received some friendly fore too Nance, addresses the myth wasp... 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